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‘We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.’ – Mother Teresa

Supporting Overstrand Hospice with a donation can enable us to equip patients to die peacefully, but to live until they die.

Donations, irrespective of the amount, assist Overstrand Hospice
to continue to provide our palliative care services free of charge to patients facing the challenges associated with life-threatening illness, and support to their families.

Overstrand Hospice is an approved Public Benefit Organisation with status in terms of Section 18A. Tax certificates can be issued to donors on request.

How to make a donation

  • visit our website, click on “donate now” key and follow instructions
  • sign up for a monthly debit order
  • request us to issue you with an Overstrand Hospice collection box to display at your place of business
  • support our hospice shop by donating any unwanted/ second-hand item
  • Donate directly into our Banking account

Contributions can be made directly into the Overstrand Hospice bank account at

Overstrand Hospice
ABSA BANK Hermanus
Account no: 406 593 2088
Branch Code: 632 005
Swift Address: ABSAZAJJ (overseas donations)
our reference:

Tax Relief Information

NPO No. 053-316                NPC No. 2005/040864/08                PBO No. 930024673

In terms of South African law, a bequest in favour of a charitable institution is exempt from Estate Duty.

Overstrand Hospice is an approved Public Benefit Organisation with status in terms of Section 18A.

We can thus issue receipts to donors for donations received which will allow them to make deductions from their taxable income.

Straightforward contributions can be made directly into the Overstrand Hospice bank account as shown above

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