Antique Pipe Paraphernalia 


Antique Pipe Paraphernalia. Pre owned in good antique condition.


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Antique Pipe Paraphernalia. pre owned in good antique condition. Value R4000+

5 Pipes and Round, oak wood pipe stand with “silver” metal handles and indents for the pipes to rest in.

There are also six silver plated holders to support the pipes in an upright position.

The base stands on the three “silver” metal feet. This is a dream item for any pipe collector.

Pipes :

  1. KRISWILL COUNT 314: This pipe is an excellent condition, no chips or cracks, made of Briar wood. The outside of the bowl has a flat, wide bottom narrowing to a smooth rim. The shank of the pipe is triangular shaped. Stamped on the shank are the words: Kriswill Count 314. Length 89mm, Bowl Height 39mm, Chamber Depth 36mm, Chamber Diameter 19mm.Value R1 200
  2. LBL SUPREME LONDON MADE – This pipe is in excellent condition, no chips or cracks. LBL Supreme are considered a “Comoy 1057 model 2 clone” and made in the Comoy factory. this pipe comes in the traditional take of the classic form. The bowl is supple and upright, softly contoured walls rising from a firm heel to a gentle rim, Paired to a trim shank and a stender tapered stem. Length: 84mm, Bowl Height: 45mm, Chamber Depth: 38mm, Chamber Diameter: 20mm. Outside Diameter: 31 mm. Value R700
  3. GBD SUPREME LONDON ENGLAND 95291 – This pipe is in excellent condition with no chips or cracks. The stamping on the pipe shank is very crisp. There is GBD(in oval) over the word Popular and London England over 95291 stamped on the shank. The bowl rim is round, and lip of the bowl is so smooth. Length: 78mm, Bowl Height: 33mm, Chamber Depth: 33mm, Chamber Diameter: 20mm, Outside Diameter: 39mm. Value R895
  4. LLOYDS DE LUXE GENUINE BRIAR 8230 – This pipe must have been a favorite of the owner and has very gentle signs of wear, no chips or cracks, but the number 8230 has wear over the number 8 and a small burn mark on the slightly longer than normal shank. Length: 86mm, Bowl Height: 58mm, Chamber Depth: 22mm, Outside Diameter: 31mm. Value R550
  5. FRANKAU’S SPECIAL LONDON MADE / MADE IN ENGLAND – This pipe is from the 1920’s and known for its craftmanship and quality. It has a few very minor scuff on the bowl, but the pipe is still in great condition with no cracks or chips. It is made in the traditional pipe shape with a short shank. Length: 63mm, Bowl Height: 40mm, Chamber Depth: 33mm. Chamber Diameter: 18mm and Outside Diameter: 38mm. Value R900